Our Services

Speed, Agililty & Conditioning


Group Speed and Agility Training.

The intensity and type of workout is dependent upon the client’s age, skill level, and training goal.

Space limited for the 60-minute session.

Session Including but not limited to…

  • speed and agility drills

  • core and strengthening training

  • resistance and explosive training

High Jump 1.jpg

High, Long and Triple Jump Sessions

Individual and Group Jump Training.

The intensity and type of workout is dependent upon the client’s age, skill level, and training goal. Only one type of jump taught per session.

Space limited for the 75-minute sessions.

Session Including but not limited to…

  • jump fundamentals (technique)

  • jump approach training

  • plyometrics

Personal Fitness Sessions

Personal Fitness Training.

Group and individual personal training sessions available. The intensity and type of workout is dependent upon the client’s age, skill level, and training goal. Limited availability so inquire soon.

Session Including but not limited to…

  • strength and flexibility training

  • aerobic and anaerobic exercises

  • fitness challenges and plans

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